T-com (Television Commerce) Businesses

(Products, services and websites vary with time. Please verify.)

Interactive TV T-com (Television Commerce) Software Platforms Can:

Application Program Interfaces (API)
Be a set-top box software developer
Be interactive DTV application developers and t-shopping platform developers that incorporate interactive services
Build multi-platform digital media platform for Interactive TV
Create products for origination of Teletext and EPGs
Design Interactive TV software and applications development
Develop services and tools for interactive programming
Enable service providers and broadcasters to deliver digital services.
Include development of interactive middleware, interactive TV services, interactive TV Network support services and T-com
Include interactive TV platforms development
Merge television programming with Internet content
Offer generalized digital and Interactive Media Solutions
Offer interactive TV systems testing
Offer transaction processing for T-Com including VBI insertion of interactive TV at the headend
Provide programming solutions for embedded and downloadable systems
Specialize in cross platform personalization software for Interactive TV as well as cross platform